After the Affair: Sex & Weed

After the Affair: Sex & Weed

Sex and weed after an affair…talk about delicate, talk about letting it ALL out there….but I’m going tackle it!! This is a Sex and Weed After the Affairdifficult subject and way out of my comfort zone to talk about something so personal.  But then, as I chuckle to myself, this blog IS very personal and it’s important for me to be honest and real. It doesn’t get more real than this and if me discussing sex after infidelity can help someone else, YAY!

 Meditation has benefited me in so many ways; it helped heal my heart and open it to love my husband again.  In the sex department however, meditation wasn’t quite getting me over that hump without the baggage, I needed another kind of assistance.  I’ve heard all the BS: a confident woman in the bedroom is sexy as hell, looks aren’t really important, and it doesn’t matter that the other woman was much, much younger, it’s you he loves and is with.  Even supermodels get cheated on!  Those may all be true but telling that to my shredded confidence didn’t cut it. I think many women will know exactly what I’m talking about.  I do enjoy sex and didn’t want it out of our lives but (especially in the beginning) all I could think of was Husband with the two women he had affairs with and how I compared.  All the reassurance in the world could not erase this or the images of them together.  I was filled with anxiety, anger, embarrassment and dozens of other emotions all rushing through my brain and my heart at once.  For me, marijuana eased all that, please let me explain…

 Thank goodness WEED became legal in my state

Marijuana was the key to breaking the barrier between my fears and anxiety and regaining intimacy in my marriage.  It relaxes me enough to put everything out Image result for buddha sayings about loveof my mind and enjoy being with him. I don’t smoke weed, I choose to eat it in a hard candy edible.  I don’t like the smoke in my lungs and I can control the dosage when I have a piece of marijuana candy.  A glass of wine or other alcohol may be the thing that helps someone else relax and lower inhibitions enough to make love with their partner after an affair.  Or you may have the courage to dive back in and not need any type of stimulate; if you don’t, I applaud you!  My husband supported my use of weed after he saw my tension slip away and I became lighthearted again.  In the beginning I was probably a good candidate for an anti-anxiety medication such as Prozac. Weed seemed to be a natural way to approach my issue.  I am not advocating the use of weed but it did work for me. Now we can have fun in the bedroom and I can relax and enjoy myself again. 

Regarding dosage, 10-milligrams is considered a dose but I usually start with 5-milligrams and an hour later another 5-milligrams.  Check out this article by Leaf Science, Marijuana Edibles: A Beginners Guide, it offers good advice and answers other questions you may have about edibles.  After trying other brands and types of candy, I found the brand Zoots works best for me.  It comes in a silver tin with the edibles packaged so you can eat a 5-mg piece of candy easily.  They may not be available in your area but something comparable should be.  Most of the stores I’ve been to have very knowledgeable sales people who can help pick out what might be best for you.  NEVER eat an edible on an empty stomach, always have a meal or snack first.  Just like alcohol, never get behind the wheel of a vehicle after eating or smoking weed.  And like anything, moderation is key.

Are you ready?

SO… About an hour or so before making love, treat yourself to a marijuana edible. I wouldn’t wait for it to take effect, go ahead and light candles, play some romantic/sexy music, turn down the sheets and start getting in the mood with your partner.  I’ve read tons of articles about regaining intimacy with your spouse after an affair and none of them talked about using weed as a way to reduce anxiety and stress in the bedroom.  Hitched contributor, Denise J Charles wrote an informative article, Sex After Infidelity that gives other, very useful suggestions & tips on how to reconnect after an affair without marijuana.  Rebuilding a marriage after infidelity is a tough challenge but one that can be conquered with patience, love, bravery and a giant leap of faith.  We did it and I know you can too!

If I didn’t address something you’re wondering about, please ask, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about marijuana and sex (or anything else) based on my experience. You can leave a message in the comment section below or contact me privately at the tab above and I will get right back to you.  Thank you for reading this with, I hope, an open mind.  We all have so many things in common and also differences in how we approach situations.  It’s what makes life interesting.  Namasté…

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again” ~ Buddha

Sex After Infidelity, How Marijuana Helped Me

Till next time…
Peace & Love,


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