It has been a while since I’ve written a post and I have to tell you, I’ve missed it. What I’d like to try, is reposting the weekly emails I send to my Zoom meditation group. Sometimes with a little added content. And write something new every so often. I’d also love to host a guest author from time to time. If you like to write and are interested, shoot me an email and we can connect. And, if you’d like to join our Tuesday Morning Meditation on Zoom, let me know and I’ll send you an invitation. We gather at 8:15 AM PST.
What a week!

Last week was challenging enough that I decided to re-evaluate how I spend my time and attention. I admit, I followed the election closely on social media and the news. Six months ago I deleted X, last Wednesday I deleted Threads, and now I watch and read minimal news. A weight was lifted. Even though I intend to stay informed, it’s incredible how much time and energy it takes to stay up on the latest news, scandal, or whatever! I still have concerns, but they don’t consume me, which makes room for other positive activities. The goal is to not randomly fill in the new space and be particular about what I bring in.
Are there areas in your life pulling your attention away from something that would feed your soul? Would a fall cleaning up or clearing out be helpful? Every new season, I pause and ask myself, Am I living my best life? If not, what could I add, change or eliminate?
be Like a tree
Tara Brach is a psychologist, author, and teacher of Buddhist meditation. In her latest podcast, she offers powerful insights into navigating any anxiety or stress we may carry after the election. She encourages us to be like a tree; strengthen our hearts, be flexible, deepen our roots, and connect to others. Click here if you’d like to listen to > Becoming Bodhisattvas in a Troubled World
Scientific America writer, Josh Fischman, in his article “How to Calm Your Election Anxiety,” suggests reducing anxiety by limiting your news to 30 minutes at a time. Journaling before you go to bed is also helpful. Writing down thoughts on paper that are spinning in your mind will help you sleep better. And of course, exercise, meditation, and getting outside to be with nature are always good stressbusters.
Step into silence
During meditation this week, our mantra is intended to settle the emotional body and soothe the heart. The effect is to calm, integrate, and harmonize agitation and conflict. As you step into silence repeat…
“Do your little bit of good where you are; It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu