Welcome To My Path To Zen

A Grateful Heart

Welcome to My Path to Zen!! This blog begins with my journey from the darkest time in my life, after a crisis in my marriage. From heartbreak to feeling stronger, more confident, and peaceful than I’ve ever felt, is a miracle. My marriage survived and is thriving like never before. You can read more about my journey to find Zen, in the “Blog” section of this site.  What I’ve learned isn’t revolutionary, but if it helped me, maybe it can help you too.

Under “Books & Things I Love” are some of my favorite & most inspiring books & products. There’s also a “Resources” section with links to websites, people & information I found helpful in my quest for a life filled with peace & love.

As a Certified Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor, I offer individual or group meditation classes on Zoom or FaceTime. If you have questions or are interested contact me at: mypathtozen@gmail.com  

“Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers.” ~ Unknown

Enter the Light!!

Are we nearing the light at the end of the tunnel?  I know, we still have so much to deal with like Covid-19 (vaccine on its way!), a presidential transition, climate change, racial equality, poverty and more.  But lately, I feel lighter, more optimistic and hopeful than I have in …

Flowing with The Universe

Being in flow is not something you do. It’s something that happens when you get out of the way.  ~ Maryann Hasnaa Lately I’ve noticed the word FLOW everywhere….like the quote above I heard recently during a Chopra Center webinar.  Or when my yoga teacher, Emily, encourages our movements to …