Enter the Light!!

Enter the Light!!

Enter the LightAre we nearing the light at the end of the tunnel?  I know, we still have so much to deal with like Covid-19 (vaccine on its way!), a presidential transition, climate change, racial equality, poverty and more.  But lately, I feel lighter, more optimistic and hopeful than I have in a while.  We have the fortitude to get through these challenges, as we’ve proven over and over. I believe a brighter future is ahead for all of us…our children, our country, the environment and the world.

Am I being naïve?  I don’t believe so.  The Universe, my intuition and truth confirm my optimism.  Just as it does when I need to be wary and hold back. Do you feel optimistic? I hope so!

The Light and The Dark

I am fortunate to have a view of the ocean from my home.  There is no lack of appreciation for the wonder we have the privilege to see every day. In the evening before my husband and I go to bed, we always take a last grateful look outside. Even in the dark we see parts of the beach because of a security light that shines on the sand.  One night before we turned in, I noticed someone had carved a large swastika into that sand.  I don’t know how we missed whoever was brazen enough to do this! My heart sank to my stomach, it was sickening.  My husband reminded me that The Universe would take care of it and the disgusting symbol would be gone by morning.

He was right. The surf swept the swastika away, there wasn’t a trace left.  I was relieved it was gone but felt nauseous someone would defile nature’s beauty with such an ugly symbol of hate. There are people with dark hearts who I will never understand.  Yet I remind myself…what is broken can mend, deep wounds can heal. People can change and light always comes after dark.

Love & Light

LOVE is the strongest, most potent vibration of The Universe, it is the energy of creation that resides in our hearts and souls.  In a spiritual sense The LightLIGHT is the inner frequency that brings us information and wisdom. With love and light we can conquer any darkness we encounter.

For the past eight weeks I’ve been leading my meditation group on a journey exploring the seven main chakras, the energy sources running from the end of the spine, through the crown of our head.  It’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot right along with everyone else.  As I was preparing for this final week of chakras and reading about the Crown Chakra I came across this beautiful affirmation.  It really spoke to me, expressing how we can spread love and light to the world:

Crown Chakra Affirmation

~ My soul is nourished by quiet time and relaxation.  When I am calm within, I can grow my sense of awe & wonder for all of creation.  I radiate with the knowledge of one-ness.  I trust that what I do to bring peace to my inner being, and to nourish my soul – also brings peace and true nourishment to others around me, and around the globe.  ~


Enter the Light I’ve learned  that, spiritual nourishment is as important to the soul, as food is to the body.  The hunger for tranquility is spreading as more and more people are tired of feeling anxious and stressed out all the time. With all the fury and division we’ve seen the last few years it is critical we shine a bright light and banish negative energy from our lives.  By loving and taking care of ourselves we can do this and still have more than enough energy to be there for others.

This is a part of what meditation does for me;  I can have strong opinions about what I read and see in the news but not be sucked into the mental or emotional drain.  I can have serious conversations and feel strongly about about an issue but it doesn’t disrupt the calm I feel in my heart or mind.  And meditating in a group is so powerful!!  Even on Zoom the energy is there, we feel it as we sit quietly together in stillness.  From different parts of our state and country we are connected as the peaceful energy of light and love spreads from our community to you and beyond.  There are millions of us around the world meditating for peace and there is ALWAYS room for one more.

One more thing…

As I mentioned above, I lead meditation sessions on Zoom, ever Tuesday and Thursday morning.  We connect at 8:15 AM PST and begin meditating at 8:30 AM for 10ish minutes.  I start and end each meditation with a crystal bowl vibration tuned to the Heart Chakra. If you would like to join us on Zoom here are the codes: Meeting ID: 852 7589 0606; Passcode: Meditate  Any questions or want more detail, please email me at mypathtozen@gmail.com.

Enter the Light
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive our hate; Only love can do that.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Till next time…
Peace & Love







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